The ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings”

 Father Of Artificial Intelligence: 

John McCarthy (September 4, 1927 – October 24, 2011) was an American scientist. He was one of the founders of Artificial intelligence and is known as the Father Of AI.

He authored the document at the conference of Dartmouth College with his companions that coined the term “artificial intelligence” (AI).

He also developed the LISP computer language family, shaped the design of the ALGOL programming language, popularized timesharing, and invented garbage collection.

  • Artificial Intelligence: 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a machine controlled by a computer to do tasks that are usually done by humans because they require human intelligence.

Human Mind Machines:Some popular fields use the term “artificial intelligence” to describe machines that do “cognitive” functions that humans associate with the human mind, such as “learning” and “problem-solving”.

AI effect: As machines become increasingly capable, tasks considered to require “intelligence” are often removed from the definition of AI, a phenomenon known as the AI effect.

Academic discipline: Artificial intelligence was founded as an academic discipline in 1956.

Mimicking human behavior: AI research has tried and discarded many different approaches since its founding, including simulating the brain, solving human problems, logic, large databases of knowledge, and imitating animal behavior.

The field was founded on the assumption that human intelligence “can be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it.

  • Types Of Artificial Intelligence: 

Different Artificial Intelligence entities are built for different purposes, and that’s how they vary. They are simply varied into three types.

3 Types of Artificial Intelligence: 

  1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)
  2. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
  3. Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

Now, Let’s discuss all of these three types.

  1. What is Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)?

Artificial Intelligence systems are designed to solve one single problem and would be able to execute a single task well.

They have narrow capabilities, like recommending a product for an e-commerce user or predicting the weather. They’re able to come close to human functioning in very specific contexts, and even exceed them in many instances, but only excelling in very controlled environments with a limited set of parameters.

This is the most common form used in the market now. This is the only kind of Artificial intelligence that exists nowadays.

  1. What is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)?

AGI is defined as AI which has a human-level of cognitive function, across a wide variety of domains such as language processing, image processing, computational functioning and reasoning, and so on.

An AGI system would need to comprise thousands of Artificial Narrow Intelligence systems working in tandem, communicating with each other to mimic human reasoning.

Although we are still so far to developing this type of AI.

  1. What is Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)?

An Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) system would be able to exceed all human capabilities. This would include decision making, taking rational decisions, and even includes things like making better art and building emotional relationships.

Once we achieve Artificial General Intelligence, AI systems would rapidly be able to improve their capabilities and advance into realms that we might not even have dreamed of.

While the gap between AGI and ASI is slightly far. The long journey ahead of us towards AGI itself makes this seem like a concept that lies far into the future.

  • Working Of Artificial Intelligence: 

Building an AI system is a careful process of reverse-engineering human traits and capabilities in a machine, and using its computational skill to surpass what we are capable of.

For understanding the working of Artificial Intelligence, we need to deep dive into the various sub-domains of Artificial Intelligence and understand how those domains could be applied to the various fields of the industry.

  1. Machine Learning: ML teaches a machine how to make inferences and decisions based on experience. It identifies patterns, analyses past data to infer the meaning of these data points to reach a possible conclusion without having to involve human experience. This automation to reach conclusions by evaluating data saves human time for businesses and helps them make better decisions.
  2. Deep Learning: Deep Learning is an ML technique. It teaches a machine to process inputs through layers to classify, infer and predict the outcome.
  3. Neural Networks: Neural Networks work on similar principles as Human Neural cells. They are a series of algorithms that captures the relationship between various underlying variables and processes the data as a human brain does.
  4. Natural Language Processing: NLP is a science of reading, understanding, interpreting a language by a machine. Once a machine understands what the user intends to communicate, it responds accordingly.
  5. Computer Vision: Computer vision algorithms try to understand an image by breaking down an image and studying different parts of the object. This helps the machine classify and learn from a set of images, to make a better output decision based on previous observations.
  6. Cognitive Computing: Cognitive computing algorithms try to mimic a human brain by analyzing text, speech, images, objects in a manner that a human does and tries to give the desired output.
  • Scope Of Artificial Intelligence: 

There is a scope in developing machines games, speech recognition machines, language detection, computer vision, expert systems, robotics, etc. With a degree program of BS in Artificial Intelligence, a student may seek employment in trades, industries, and professions that rely heavily on computing systems. Students may seek employment as Machine Learning Engineer, Data Scientist, Business Intelligence Developer, Big Data Engineer, or several other exciting jobs.

Artificial Intelligence is one of the most popular courses in the world. It is good to learn one basic machine language to get a job in this sector. There are lots of Career Opportunities where One can get jobs in public and private sectors in Artificial Intelligence, the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence, and many more.

  • Purpose of Artificial Intelligence: 

Technical perspective: 

The purpose of Artificial Intelligence is to aid human capabilities and help us make advanced decisions with far-reaching consequences.

Philosophical perspective: 

Artificial Intelligence has the potential to help humans live more meaningful lives devoid of hard labor, and help manage the complex web of interconnected individuals, companies, states, and nations to function in a manner that’s beneficial to all of humanity.

  • Role of Artificial Intelligence in the life of human beings: 

The purpose of Artificial Intelligence is so clear. It is shared by all the different tools and techniques that is to simplify human effort and help us make better decisions. Artificial Intelligence has also been a creation that would invent ground-breaking tools and services that would exponentially change how we lead our lives, by hopefully removing conflicts, inequality, and human suffering.

But, That’s all so far in the future now, we’re still a long way from those kinds of outcomes.

Currently, Artificial Intelligence is being used mostly by companies to improve their process efficiencies, automate resource-heavy tasks, and make business predictions based on hard data rather than gut feelings. As with all technology that has come before this, the research and development costs need to be subsidized by corporations and government agencies before it becomes accessible to everyday payment.

  • Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI): 

AI is used in different fields to give insights into user behavior and give recommendations based on the data.

For example,

Google’s search algorithm used past user data to predict what a user would search next in the search bar. Facebook uses past data of the users to automatically give suggestions to tag your friends, based on their facial features in their images.

AI is used everywhere by large organizations to make an end user’s life simpler.

The uses of Artificial Intelligence would broadly fall under the data processing category, which would include the following:

Searching within data by effecting the search to give the most relevant results.

Logic-chains for if-then reasoning, that can be applied to execute a string of commands based on parameters.

Pattern detection to identify significant patterns in large data set for unique insight.

Applied probabilistic models for predicting future outcomes.

  • Artificial Intelligence jobs demand: 

High-performance technologies have become increasingly important in recent years. Along with present

computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI) jobs are exceeding. The machine learning job market is extremely healthy and shows no signs of slowing down.

A quick look at the technology used nowadays shows the power of AI in everyday life. From voice assistants that power smart speakers to high-tech cooking tools, these technologies are quickly becoming the mainstays of life. This evolution has led to a positive change in AI and machine learning. While these developments may seem unavoidable, experts’ hard work in the fields of AI and Machine Learning engineering is driving the growth. Machine learning concepts like computer vision quickly open doors to some of today’s most exciting career opportunities for forward-thinking technology professionals.

Computer vision is just one of the new AI innovations that are driving current machine learning job trends. To better prepare for new machine learning careers, we need to understand how Artificial Intelligence and machine learning technology work and how aspiring AI and machine learning candidates can learn the skills you need to pursue these promising career options.

  • Conclusion:

Artificial intelligence is Impacting the future of every human being it has acted on the main drive of emerging technologies.

If you think about a camera it’s the cheapest sensor available to us today at such a reasonable price which records all our data and save it.

Artificial intelligence is drastically important to our future because it forms the very foundation of computer learning, through artificial intelligence computers can harness massive of data and use learned intelligence to make optimal decisions and discoveries.

Artificial intelligence is projected to have a lasting impact on us even we are already seeing artificial intelligence in our smart devices, cars, health care system, etc, and surely going to see its influence in the future as well.

  • References regarding AI: 

“The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race….It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever-increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.”

— Stephen Hawking told the BBC

“I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I’m rooting for the machines.”

—Claude Shannon

“Artificial intelligence would be the ultimate version of Google. The ultimate search engine that would understand everything on the web. It would understand exactly what you wanted, and it would give you the right thing. We’re nowhere near doing that now. However, we can get incrementally closer to that, and that is basically what we work on.”

—Larry Page

“The upheavals [of artificial intelligence] can escalate quickly and become scarier and even cataclysmic. Imagine how a medical robot, originally programmed to rid cancer, could conclude that the best way to obliterate cancer is to exterminate humans who are genetically prone to the disease.”

— Nick Bilton, tech columnist wrote in the New York Times

“It’s going to be interesting to see how society deals with artificial intelligence, but it will be cool.”

—Colin Angle

About Writer

Picture of Tasmeet Patel
Tasmeet Patel

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