All You Need to Know about Sologamy or Self-Marriage


What is Sologamy? 

Sologamy, also known as self-marriage or autogamy, is marrying oneself in a public ceremony. In other words, Sologamy is the act of marrying oneself. It is a form of self-marriage where individuals commit to themselves and their personal growth and happiness. 

Meaning of Sologamy? What is the scientific explanation behind Sologamy?

Sologamy means Self-Love or Self-Marriage. From a scientific perspective, Sologamy is seen as a way to affirm one’s value and prioritize self-care to lead a happier life. It can also be seen as a form of rebellion against traditional marriage and society’s expectations, as it gives people the freedom to choose their own path.

What is the history of sologamy, and who invented the Sologamy marriage concept?

Sologamy was first introduced in 1993 by Linda Baker, a dental hygienist from the US, as an act of self-love and self-appraisal. Sologamy is strictly not a cultural norm; however, emphasizing self-love and independence is becoming increasingly popular.

What is the legal status of Sologamy or Sologamists?

It is not legally binding in most countries and needs to be recognized by the law. Therefore it does not have the same legal rights and protections as traditional marriage. In most countries, marriage is defined as a union between two individuals or Polygamy; therefore, the law does not recognize self-marriage.

However, some countries, such as Italy, have recently legalized self-uniting marriages.

What is the theory behind Sologamy?

Supporters of Sologamy argue that it can affirm one’s value, boost self-esteem and confidence, and lead to a happier life. It can also be seen as a way to celebrate the importance of self-love, as it shows that one can take the initiative to prioritize themselves and their own happiness. Sologamy is also seen as a form of rebellion against traditional marriage and society’s expectations, allowing people to choose their own path.

Is Sologamy a medical condition or a Psychiatric illness? 

 Sologamy is not a medical, psychiatric illness, or personality disorder. It is a symbolic ceremony where a person commits to maintaining a meaningful, deep, and loving relationship with themselves.

How do critics see Sologamy marriage and Sologamists?

Sologamy, or marrying oneself, can be seen as narcissism by some people. Narcissism is a personality disorder, a severe condition that affects a person’s interaction with others. It is characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, self-absorption, and a lack of empathy for others. In the context of sologamy, some individuals may view it as an act of self-absorption or self-obsession, where an individual is focused solely on themselves and their needs and wants. Some may also argue that Sologamy can signify deeper issues such as loneliness or a lack of self-worth.

Sologamy Vs. Polygamy

Sologamy is the act of an individual marrying themselves, and Polygamy has multiple partners simultaneously. It is more commonly recognized in certain cultures and religions, although it is not legal in most countries. Polygamy can take different forms, such as polygyny (a man having multiple wives) and polyandry (a woman having multiple husbands). They are different in terms of concept, legality, and practice.

Sologamy Vs. Feminism

Sologamy is seen as a feminist statement, mainly because there’s more attention given to single women than men. Unmarried women are often labeled as ‘spinsters’ with negative connotations. In contrast, available men are known as ‘bachelors’ and are seen as independent and free. Sologamy can be seen as a way to celebrate and empower single women and bring balance to how single people are viewed in society. It is also a way to reclaim singlehood and reject the idea that a person needs a relationship to be happy.

Prospects and Retrospects of sologamy?

Sologamy has many benefits, including increased self-love and acceptance, greater self-awareness and understanding, improved relationships, more meaningful connections, and a stronger sense of self-worth. It can also help reduce the pressure to find a partner and create a sense of independence and freedom. Additionally, Sologamy can be a great way to celebrate yourself and your accomplishments.

Retrospects remain non-acceptance by culture and law.

How can Sologamy give birth, or can Sologamist become parents? 

Sologamy doesn’t have any specific rules or laws that govern it. Therefore, it is impossible to give birth or become parents in the context of Sologamy. Giving birth or having children is typically associated with traditional forms of marriage or partnership, where two individuals come together to form a family.

Sologamy marriage in India:

Sologamy, or self-marriage, is not legally recognized in India. There have to be two persons in marriage as per Indian laws, and so Sologamy is not legal. However, Kshama Bindu, a 24-year-old sociology student and blogger in India, held a traditional Hindu ceremony for herself in the city of Vadodara, in the western state of Gujarat, on 11 June. The ceremony involved pre-wedding rituals such as Haldi (where turmeric is mixed with oil applied on the bride) and sangeet (music and dance). Ms. Bindu hopes that her self-marriage will normalize the idea of Sologamy in India and inspire others to practice self-love and prioritize their happiness.

Sologamy in Muslims and Islam:

Sologamy is a sin and is strictly prohibited and considered against the moral, ethical, and cultural norms and values of the core principles of Islam and Muslims worldwide.

Is Sologamy an emerging problem or a solution?

 It is a personal choice that some individuals make. A problem or a solution depends on an individual’s perspective. It’s important to note that Sologamy is not for everyone and should not be seen as a solution for everyone. It may work for some individuals, but there are more than one-size-fits-all solutions. Ultimately, it is the decision of an individual if Sologamy is right for them and if they feel comfortable with the idea. 

Is Sologamy a punishable act?

No, but still, Sologamy and Sologamists are considered taboo in society. Sologamy is not legally recognized in most countries and does not have the same legal rights and protections as traditional marriage. It is not considered a legally binding form of marriage.

Where can I do Sologamy Marriage? Where can I go for the Sologamy Wedding ceremony?

Sologamy wedding is not legally recognized in most countries except Italy. Italy is one of the few countries that has recently legalized self-uniting marriages, so it is possible to legally marry yourself in Italy. You will need to complete the necessary paperwork and meet the requirements to be able to get married in Italy.

Can males and females do Sologamy? And what about transgenders and people having gender dysphoria?

Yes, both males and females can do Sologamy, and those who identify as transgender or have gender dysphoria. Sologamy is open to anyone who wishes to celebrate themselves and their commitment to self-love.

What is the paperwork or requirement for Sologamy registration in Italy? What documents are required for Sologamy Marriage?

To register for Sologamy in Italy, you will need to provide:

  • A valid passport or national ID card
  • Original birth certificate or certified copy
  • Divorce papers or death certificate, if applicable
  • An affidavit, Nulla Osta or Dichiarazione Giurata, stating that this marriage is no legal impediment in your home country, sworn before a consular office of your home country, 
  • An Atto Notorio signed by two witnesses for further confirmation of the above and a declaration of intent to marry that will go to the civil registrar.

You will also need to give notice of marriage (publish the banns) to your local Registry Office and submit a certificate of no impediment. Additionally, you must meet the minimum age requirement of 18 years old and have parental consent if you are under 18.

Once your approval of your application, you will receive a marriage certificate.

What is the visa procedure for Sologamy marriage for Sologamists?

Since Sologamy is legal only in Italy, so to get a visa for Italy for a Sologamy wedding ceremony, you will need to apply for a long-term visa. The visa application process can vary depending on your country of origin. Generally, you will need to provide:

  • Evidence of your identity
  • Proof of residence
  • Evidence of your financial stability 
  • A signed declaration that you will abide by the laws of Italy

Additionally, you may need to provide a certificate proving that your Sologamy marriage is legally recognized in your country. After submitting all required documents, you must attend an in-person interview at the Italian Embassy or Consulate.

What is the procedure of divorce for Sologamy?

In Italy, Sologamy is legally recognized as a form of marriage, so the same divorce procedures apply to Sologamy as to any other wedding. To file for divorce in Italy, an application must be submitted to the court in the municipality of residence of one of the spouses. The applicant must provide proof of identity, a copy of the marriage certificate, and proof that at least one of the spouses lived in Italy for at least one year before filing for divorce. After the application is submitted, the court will review the evidence and judge the divorce.

Will my registered Sologamy marriage be accepted in other parts like India, the UK, the US, Burma, and Maynmar? 

Likely, your registered Sologamy marriage will not be accepted in these countries. If you plan to travel to any of these countries, you may need to apply for a visa as a single person rather than as a married couple. Nor can any foreigner register their Sologamy Wedding in Italy as India, the UK, the US, or any other country accepts it as a legal proceeding, which is a primary requirement of registering a sologamy wedding in Italy.

Best places to visit for Sologamists to see.

There are many places to visit for Sologamists, such as Rosewood Mayakoba, Riviera Maya; the Northern Lights in Norway; the Grand Canyon in Arizona; the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia; the Great Barrier Reef in Australia; the Taj Mahal in India; the Great Wall of China; the Machu Picchu in Peru; and the Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Additionally, cities like Paris, London, and New York are also popular for Sologamy ceremonies.

Places around the world for Sologamists

Places around the world for Sologamists offer a variety of experiences that can be enjoyed by those interested in self-care, self-discovery, and self-expression.

  • Retreat centers: many retreat centers offer programs and activities focused on self-care, self-discovery, and personal growth.
  • Spas and wellness centers: There are many spas and wellness centers around the world that offer a variety of treatments and services designed to help individuals relax and rejuvenate.
  • Nature: Many people find that spending time in nature can benefit their physical and mental well-being. Places like National Parks, beaches, and mountains can be great options for self-reflection and self-discovery.
  • Meditation and yoga centers: Many places around the world offer classes and retreats focusing on meditation and yoga, which can benefit self-care and personal growth.
  • Solo travel destinations: Many destinations worldwide are popular among solo travelers, such as Iceland, Bhutan, and Japan. These places offer a variety of experiences that can be enjoyed alone or with others.

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