What grinding wheels are there, and what is each used for?

grinding zec wheels

Abrasive wheels are used for a large number of professional tools. They consist of a granular surface that comes in different sizes depending on the substance used to make them. Lathes, drills, sanders, grinders, ZEC Wheel carbide disc, and DIY tools are a few examples of devices that include them. Many alternatives are available; the type of grinding wheels you employ will determine the outcome.

In this article, we explain what they are and answer what an abrasive wheel is and what each one is for. Continue reading for more information!

What is a grinding wheel?

Abrasive wheels or ZEC Wheel carbide discs are high-precision tools made up of abrasive-type cutting tips. These are subject to a bonding matrix, thanks to which the adaptation of the abrasive to flat and irregular surfaces is possible. In addition, they are designed to offer a constant cutting ratio so that uniform wear of the abrasive material takes place. This means that they continually expose new and renewed cutting threads. The operation of these tools is due to the action of the grains that cut the material from the surface they are grinding, eliminating it into small chips. The process requires force and a constant rotary movement that is achieved through electrical machinery, and abrasive wheels are present in angle grinders, sanders, drilling machines, lathes, grinders, and other tools for professional use. and DIY.

Types of ZEC Wheel carbide disc and uses

Choosing the right grinding wheels for surface treatment will allow you to obtain the result you are waiting for. Remember that these can vary considerably, so you must inform yourself adequately about their characteristics and which one you can use in each case. In this section, we show you the most common classifications of the types of grinding wheels so that there are no doubts and you can find the one you need.

Grinding wheels according to shape

The shape, as well as the size, largely determines the power tool in which the grinding wheel can be used. The following kinds of grinding wheels are available, depending on their shape:

Wheels for cylindrical grinding: These are the ones that come highly recommended for edge grinding and polishing on sheet metal, composites, and plastics. They are also employed to polish polymers.

Conical grinding wheels: Their primary use is intended to remove burrs from metal tubes or plastic materials.

Spherical grinding wheels: In this case, we find wheels specifically intended to polish delicate materials, such as glass or ceramics. In some cases, we can see tiny spherical wheels used to engrave materials.

Pointed grinding wheels: They are used on wonderful edges and in places where great precision is required.

Flat disc grinding wheels: The latter make cuts of different sizes.

Sharpening grinding wheels: These are flat, cylindrical-shaped wheels, about 2 cm wide, used for the grinder in honing and grinding.

Abrasive wheels according to materials at ZEC Wheel carbide disc

The materials that grinding wheels can operate with and the kinds of tasks they can do depend on the composition of their grains. It is crucial to remember that the materials of the fiber or support, the abrasive, and the binding agent must all be distinguished separately when discussing the composition of grinding wheels. We witnessed it!

Fiber or support material

Typically, the fiber or backing material comprises synthetic non-woven nylon fibers. These are placed as compact skeins manufactured with greater or lesser density, influencing the degree of hardness. Of course, the scaling of the densities is according to the set of fiber sheets and usually varies between 5 and 10.

Abrasive material

The abrasive is composed of minerals thanks to its hardness and characteristics. The most common abrasive wheels are the following:

Aluminum oxide grinding wheel

They are also known as corundum grinding wheels. It is the second most resistant material after the diamond grinding wheel. Furthermore, it has excellent resistance to the high temperatures caused by abrasion. Metals can be cut, ground, or polished with corundum grinding wheels.

Grinding wheel made of silicon carbide

Sand, quartz, and oil residues combine to make silicon carbide, a versatile substance that forms resistant combinations. Ceramic, plastic, and metal materials may all be processed using these. 

Diamond grinding wheel

Since it is the most resilient sort of grinding wheel now on the market, a wide range of materials may be cut, ground, or polished with it. 

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