All Important Questions of Court Marriage in Pakistan

FAQs Court Marriage in Pakistan

Questions of Court Marriage in Pakistan:

Q: My wife has left me over 5 weeks ago. Since then I haven’t seen my children. She ran because I was going to expose her as she made a male friend while she was pregnant after 3 years of court marriage in Pakistan. I had a female friend but that is all, it was and it lasted a year and my mother and wife were aware of it. My parents insist on her coming back for the sake of the children. But how can I take her back knowing she had a male friend where she could have had a sexual relationship and the kids might not be mine, so can I proceed with divorce in Pakistan?


A: You are not doing justice after court marriage in Pakistan when you are unilaterally accusing your wife and disobeying your parents. You admit your affairs with some lady that lasted for one full year — you call it that is all, meaning nothing. On your part, you are alleging your wife of possible adultery whereas your parents do not appear to believe that. Do you have four witnesses, or can you stand and swear that you were right? You do not realize how dangerous this thinking is. You even doubt your children’s pedigree. Stop all this, and listen to your parents. If they want you to get your wife back, just follow their advice instead of going for divorce in Pakistan. That is the only reasonable course for you. Do not expect us to tell you how you could stand in this matter against your parents. We have not heard what they have to say, but we are sure your parents must be aware of your committing excesses, which they want to correct, briefly, follow your parents, or else you will be very sorry one day, with no remedy in sight, then.

2nd Important Question:

Q: My husband is an Arab. I am from Germany and embraced Islam three years ago and did court marriage in Pakistan. I am happy with my husband but one thing is disturbing me too much. He is too jealous even though I am covering my face, hands, and legs. I am working in a school clinic with small children. I don’t know what I have to do that would make him believe that for me exist only Allah, the Qur’an, and my husband. I am still a new Muslim and all that is not easy for me.


We are so happy that you found the true Faith that Allah loves so much fro, every human being. And then we feel sad about what your husband doing to you. Unless he has anything substantial against you, to say and prove, he has no reason to be sensitive. Doesn’t he appreciate — as he must that you have happily changed your lifestyle so much, conforming to the commands of Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon him)?  Fortunately, your husband has yet not crossed the limits. He is only envious, rather jealous as you say, but that is again quite dangerous, we agree. He has to reform his thinking and show little respect for his spouse after court marriage in Pakistan. His attitude, If not checked in time, may lead to a situation, which is discussed in the Quran [Chapter 24: verses 4 and onward]. Fortunately, he has stopped at being only jealous and not openly alleging. Better, however, he repents for his thinking, begs pardon for hurting you, and follows a more humane course. I wish the matter does not go towards divorce in Pakistan.

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